Please, take a minute to fill out personal Holocaust survey

1.Please, enter your first and last name.

2. What country are you from?
If other, please specify:

3.Please, enter your e-mail address.

4.Is any of your relatives or friends were killed by Genocide in period from 1939 to 1945?
I don't know

5.Have you heard of "Holocaust" much before coming on this page?
Yes, I know a lot
No, but I Want to Learn
I Don't Know Much

6.Which of the following topics will interest you most?
Final Solution
Concentration Camps
Jewish Gettos
Antisemitizm today
None of the above
If you have specific topic of interest, please let me know:

7.Which of the pictures below will be more meaningfull to You in terms of Holocaust? (Click to enlarge)
Aushwitz Main Gate Shoes after Liberation Gas Chambers in Aushwitz Himmler Ashes Treblinka Fantasy

8.Who(what) refered you to this site?

9.Please, feel free to leave me some feedback.

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